Why are some popular Christian movies not covered by the CVLI License?
Unfortunately, some producers have elected to go with their own licensing strategies, instead of the blanket coverage that CVLI provides. As a legal owner of intellectual property, that is certainly their right. Nevertheless, we continue to dialogue with these producers and remain hopeful for eventual coverage agreements.
But keep in mind: CVLI represents 3,000+ producers (including all the major Hollywood studios) and thousands of titles, so we are able to offer the best value by far when it comes to Church Movie licensing.
We own the movie, do we still need a license to view or show it in public?
Yes. The location requires a license regardless of who owns the movie. While you may own the actual movie, you are only granted the right to view it in a personal, private setting. Any public screening requires a license.
Once I have my license, do I need to call CVLI and obtain permission to show a covered movie?
No. The moment you purchase the license you are covered to legally use authorized movies in your church activities. Your Certificate of License states your right under copyright law to show copyrighted motion pictures and other programs that are available for rental or purchase in any legal format, such as: Blu-ray, DVD, digital download or streaming in your specified facility, without the need to contact us.
We do not charge admission. Do we still need a license?
Yes. The U.S. Copyright Act states that regardless of whether an admission fee is charged, a license is required. In fact, the license does not cover showings where an admission fee is charged.
We are a non-profit. Do we still need a license?
Yes. The legal requirement to obtain a license applies equally to non-profit and for-profit organizations.
We are a Sunday school or child care center; do we qualify for a “face to face” teaching exemption?
No. The educational exemption is narrowly defined and applies to full-time, non-profit academic institutions only.
We rent our facility to other groups. Can we be liable for copyright infringement?
Yes. The exhibitor is considered the “primary infringer,” but the owner may be held vicariously liable or considered to be a “contributory infringer.”
Can this license be packaged with our CCLI licenses?
No. The CCLI and CVLI licenses are separate and have different fees and renewal dates.
Does one license cover multiple locations for one church (multi-site) or would we need a license for each site/campus location?
The license is site-specific, so each organization’s sites needs to be individually covered. If this applies, please call 1-888-771-2854 (the Church Video License is not available to buy in the CCLI online store for multi-site churches).
What are the advertising restrictions?
The outdoor exhibition is held on the Facility(ies) identified in the Application or as Licensee otherwise notifies (no off-site facilities).
The outdoor exhibition is not visible from the street or any adjacent property.
The outdoor exhibition audience is limited to members of the facility or church and their guests. It is not open to the general public or non-members.
No admission or other fee will be charged to the audience (free-will offerings and concessions are fine, as for a fundraiser).
The exhibitions cannot be used to endorse any goods or services.
Regarding advertising (Term ‘4. RIGHTS’ of the License Terms):
Limits the audience to authorized viewers of a licensed facility.
No specific titles, or any characters from such titles, or producers’ names will be advertised or publicized to the general public (the major studios view any advertising as competing with the local theaters and/or title by title distributors).
This restriction applies to local papers, the internet, radio, television, outdoor marquees, flyers outside the facility, and any other media outlet to the general public.
Any promotion is limited to a posting of a “movie night” on the Licensee web site.
Within the licensed facility it is fine to post flyers and include the title, characters, and production company of the movie. This information may be included in mailings or emails sent directly to facility or church members.
What are the streaming restrictions?
Here is the scoop for churches that stream their services and want to include an entire movie or movie scene:
The Church Video License terms do not cover streaming movie content – even if used in a sermon – over the internet to the general public.
However, with the Church Video License it is permissible to live stream movie content inside the facility as long as it is a closed-stream (not accessed publicly).
Gated Streaming Platforms: streaming movie content is also permissible using a platform that is gated or private (password protected entry to only members and guests and not open to the general public), such as a video-conferencing app (or your own church website, requiring a password to join).
If you still desire to stream a live service and include movie content on sites that are accessed by the general public (like YouTube or Facebook) you would need to seek the direct permission of the copyright owner before streaming, as none of the licenses we currently offer allow this as per our agreements with the studios.
What is not covered by the license?
This license does not cover materials that have been illegally obtained. It also does not cover charging an admission fee for video showings or where specific titles have been advertised or publicized to the general public.
At times, Producers place certain titles on moratorium so that they cannot be performed under the CVLI Church Video License. A current list of titles on moratorium as of November 2024 may be found here.
How do I stop my license from auto-renewing next year?
Please click this link and fill out the Cancel Auto-renewal Form completely.