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Through an agreement with studios and producers, the CVLI Church Video License provides legal coverage for churches and for other ministry organizations to show motion pictures and other audiovisual programs intended for personal, private use only (“Videos”). (Each organization needs to be specifically covered.) Coverage includes playing just a few minutes of a movie all the way up to showing the full-length feature film.

The Church Video License is the most cost effective and convenient ways for churches and other ministry organizations to protect themselves from the possibility of being fined for illegal use of Videos. The license provides a comprehensive copyright compliance solution.

What The License Covers

  • Pastors can use selected movie scenes to illustrate sermon points.
  • Sunday schools and Youth Groups can view the latest films.
  • Educational classes can use videos for teaching and training.
  • Churches can host special event movie nights.

The license covers all media that is intended for personal, private use only; such as DVDs, Blu-rays, online streaming and digital downloads. For full terms of the agreement, please see Terms and Conditions.

What The License Does Not Cover

This license does not cover materials that have been illegally obtained. It also does not cover charging an admission fee for video showings or where specific titles have been advertised or publicized to the general public.

At times, Producers place certain titles on moratorium so that they cannot be performed under the CVLI Church Video License. A current list of titles on moratorium as of February 2025 may be found here.

Free ScreenVue Vault Access Included!

The annual Total Producer Church Video License also includes FREE ScreenVue Vault access, with 11,000+ Scene Ideas, Views and Downloads from a variety of movies. All Scene Ideas (using your own copy or rental) include a scene summary, themes and time cues. With Scene Views, preview the scene and cue to a specific start time. With Scene Downloads, simply preview, download and use instantly. ScreenVue saves you hours of time finding that perfect movie illustration for next Sunday’s service.

Visit the ScreenVue Vault

Other Ministries Licensable by CVLI

Do The Right Thing

Join with over 60,000 churches, camps, Christian schools and childcare centers across North America that rely on CVLI and the Church Video License. Globally, CVLI covers over 100,000 members.